Estimates Walkthrough
Estimates Overview
Select the Estimates tab on the left to see any opportunities and add new ones. From this page, you can see the Estimate ID, Company, Primary Contact, Project Title, Value, Created On, Stage, and CO Count.
Add an Estimate by selecting Add Estimate in the top right. Follow the Edit Estimate Instructions to see how to add new items
On this page, you can select the Eye icon on the right to view the details of an estimate. You may also search for a specific Estimate in the top left.
View Estimate
Select the Eye icon on the overview page to view estimate details. From the Estimates details page you can see all information entered into this estimate.
Contacts and Overview
The top section lists the Estimate ID, Company, Primary Contact, Project Title, Tax Percentage, Date Created, Client Address, Sales Rep, Project ID (if one exists), and the Stage of the Estimate. Select the blue arrows to open the Contact, Sales Rep, or Project information.
Submit a change order for this estimate by select Change Order in the top right. You can also select View Opportunity in the top right to see details about the associated opportunity. You can select the Pencil icon in the top right to edit the Estimate at any time.
Rates and Markups
The next section lists the Labor Rate in dollars, Material Markup percentage, Travel percentage, Equipment Markup percentage, and Sub Contractor Markup percentage for that estimate.
Type - Labor/Material
The Labor/Material section lists the item name for the Labor or Material, Part # for item, Description, Quantity, Associated Labor Hours, Labor Unit cost, Labor Total, Material Unit cost, Material Total Cost, Markup Amount, and a toggle to tax the Labor and Material if needed.
On the bottom lists the Labor total, Material Cost, Markup Total, Tax Amount, and Total Amount.
Email, PDF and Print Options
In the above section, you can select the three circles on the right and choose to Email, PDF, or Print this estimate.
If selecting the Email option, you can select an email from your contacts and CC contacts from the drop zone list. Select the Plus sign to add more contacts to this email.
The PDF button will generate a PDF of this estimate. The Print option will print a copy of this estimate for records.
Type - Travel
The travel section will list the Item title, Description, Quantity, Travel Unit price, Travel Total in dollars, Markup amount in dollars. You can toggle whether or not this item should be taxed.
The bottom lists the total Travel Cost, the Markup amount, and the total for the Travel cost plus Markup.
Type - Equipment
The Equipment section will list the Item name, the Description, the Quantity, Equipment Unit price, Equipment total price, Pickup and Delivery cost, Total Cost, Markup amount, and a toggle for if this item is Taxable.
On the bottom you will see Equipment cost, Markup amount, Tax amount, and the Total cost of this section.
Type - Sub contractor
The sub contractor section lists the subcontractors hired, the quantity of hours, the labor total, material totals, total cost, markup total, and a toggle if this is taxable or not.
At the bottom you will see listed the Sub Contractor cost total, the Markup amount, and Tax Total, and the Total of all of these items combined.
The bottom section lists the total amount for Labor costs, Material costs, Travel costs, Equipment costs, Sub contractor costs, Misc Material costs, Tax amount, and Estimate total. This section includes the markups in each respective section.
On the bottom, you can choose to see the attached projects or Create a Proposal from this estimate.
Edit Estimates
To edit an estimate, select the pencil in the top right corner.
Edit Estimate Overview Values
In the first two sections, the areas with white boxes can be edited. Items that can be edited after estimate creation are:
- Project Title
- Tax Percentage
- Stage
- Labor Rate
- Material Markup
- Travel Markup
- Equipment Markup
- Subcontractor Markup
Edit Labor, Material, Travel, Equipment, and Sub Contractor Values
To edit the Labor, Material, Travel, Equipment, or Subcontractor values, toggle the Estimate into edit mode using the pencil in the top right of the page.
For each section, add a new item by selecting the gray box at the bottom and then a new entry line will populate above it. Edit any previous entries in this mode.
Other Entries
Other entries that may be edited are Misc Material, Misc Labor, Memo area, and Attachments.
Save any changes by selecting Update Estimate or cancel by selecting Cancel