Calendar Overview
Select Calendar to see the Calendar for the current month. The month will be listed in the top left and event titles will be listed on the calendar.
Use the arrows on the top right on navigate to previous or future months. Select Today to redirect to the current day.
Select a date on the calendar to see the details for the events on that date.
Calendar Details
Event Details
The next section will list the details for the events on that date. The date will be in the top left.
Each event will list the start date and time as well as the end date and time.
The title followed by description will be listed on the bottom.
To edit this event, select the pencil icon in the top right. Select the trash icon to delete this entry.
Add or Edit Events
Add Event
To add a new event, type details into the bottom section of the page. Assign start and end times for this event.
Add a title to be displayed on the calendar and an event description with more detail.
Select Done to save this event or Cancel to cancel the event.
Edit Event
To edit an Event, select the pencil in the top right of the event. This event information will now populate on the bottom of the page.
Edit any fields for this event at the bottom and select Done to save these changes or Cancel to revert any changes.